Statewide Support Groups

We can help you find a group, start a group or support your own! Or, access the AdoptUSKids free support group curriculum to help you along.

If you know of any new or updated support group information, or cannot find a group in your area, please contact us (503) 241-0799 / (800) 764-8367 or for help and suggestions.

Select a county

Statewide Support Groups

Parenting a Second Time Around

Organized by
NorthWest Senior & Disability Services (NWSDS)

Group is for grandparents raising grandchildren or any other relative raising a relative.

If you are interested in attending the support group please contact Suzy Deeds.

Please contact Suzy if you'd like to be added to the email list to receive monthly fliers and group updates.

Visit to learn about additional opportunities through NWSDS. NorthWest Senior and Disability Services (NWSDS) serves Marion, Polk, Yamhill, Clatsop and Yamhill Counties.

Meeting time
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month, 10:00am - 11:30am
Meeting location

NorthWest Senior and Disability Services

3410 Cherry Ave NE

Salem, OR 97303

Location map

Contact info

Suzy Deeds at (503) 304-3429 or

(Updated 12/2023)

Away From Home Support Group

Organized by
Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN) Reach Out Oregon

Reach Out Oregon is excited to present, "Away From Home" Support Group, offered in English and Spanish! At Reach Out Oregon we strive to offer a space that offers support and connection!

Away From Home in English: Wednesday, September 13th, 6:00-7:00pm

Away From Home in Spanish: Tuesday, September 19th, 6:00-7:00pm

Join Reach Out Oregon in a space that offers support and connection to parents and caregivers with past, current or anticipated experience in away-from-home placements.

For Who: ALL are Always Welcome

Meeting time
Second Wednesday of the the Month
Meeting location

Meetings are held virtually via Zoom. Registration not required. Join the meetings with this link!

Contact info

Contact the Oregon Family Support Network at 503-363-8068.

ORPARC Online Parent Group

Organized by
Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center

The ORPARC Online Parent Group is a welcoming, private online forum for adoptive and assisted guardianship families eligible for ORPARC services. Members can connect with other parents in a private and convenient forum, moderated by ORPARC Family Support Specialists. Through this private Facebook forum, members can ask questions, share experiences, offer suggestions - celebrate the joys and triumphs of adoptive parenting while supporting one another through the challenges.

Contact info

For more information and to join the group, please contact Annie Denning Hille, ORPARC Family Support Specialist at (503) 241-0799 or email

LGBTQ Online Parent Group

Organized by
Oregon Post Adoption Resource Center

LGBTQ families are welcome to join ORPARC’s LGBTQ private Facebook Peer to Peer parent support group, exclusively for LGBTQ state adoptive & guardianship parents and supported by ORPARC Family Support Specialists.

Contact info

For more information and to join the group, please contact Michael McGrorty, LGBTQ Resource Specialist, at (503) 241-0799 or email him at

ON-LINE Autism Parent Group

Organized by
Synergy Autism Center

Cozy up with a morning beverage and computer on the 4th Saturday of each month at 10am for a free online group for parents of autistic children in Oregon, facilitated by Barbara Avila, MS, of Synergy Autism Center.

The group will look at a different topic each month including self-care, safety considerations, understanding your child's processing, social engagement and challenging your child without sending them over the edge.

Open to: Parents of autistic children of any age (birth - adulthood).

Meeting time
4th Saturday of each month 10 AM - 11:30 AM
Meeting location

Online via Zoom*

*You need to register in advance to receive the Zoom Link

Register online here

Contact info

Barbara Avila, MS, Synergy Autism Center

If you are interested in being part of this group, please sign up here and please contact ASO with questions or for more details at or (503) 636-1676 (toll-free: (888) AUTISM-1)

View all ASO groups here.

(Updated 03/2023)

Ties That Bind Support Group - Oregon Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Organized by
The Jessie F. Richardson Foundation

Facebook group

To Connect, Educate and Empower Grandparents and Kinship Caregivers Raising Children in Oregon

Ties That Bind is an online, statewide Facebook group sponsored by AGE+ to increase connection, collaboration and resources for grandparents raising grandchildren and other kinship caregivers raising children in Oregon. The Facebook support group is a place for learning, sharing, and helping each other. This includes asking questions and finding answers to issues unique to grand-families, sharing stories, information, and feelings, building friendships, and finding resources by talking to others who are currently raising grandkids or who have been in similar situations.

Visit the Facebook page to join the group.

Meeting location

Facebook Group

Contact info

Ties That Bind is a program of AGE+. For more, call (503) 408-4759 or email

KEEP Support Groups

Organized by
Oregon Social Learning Center

All KEEP Groups in Oregon:

KEEP is a FREE support group for resource, kinship, adoptive and guardianship parents statewide. It’s designed to enhance skills while supporting each family on their individual journey. It’s 16 weeks; we meet once a week, and groups are 90 minutes. If you are an adoptive or guardianship family, please email!

Our groups are remote, providing lots of flexibility by bringing resources to families via ZOOM video chat. We keep all groups small; a typical group is between 5-7 families with two facilitators. We offer three main groups based on the age range of your foster children; KEEP TAG supports families with active placements ages 3-5; KEEP Standard supports families with active placements ages 4-12; KEEP Safe supports families with active placements ages 13+.

KEEP curriculum is evidence based with a trauma informed lens. Our facilitators bring in weekly lessons focusing on things like looking at challenging behaviors, introducing new skills, balancing encouragers and setting limits, promoting peer and school success, and managing stress.

Although psychoeducation is a big component, KEEP strives to provide very warm and non-judgmental space where local resource and kinship parents can have frank conversations, share personal experiences, exchange resources, and find ways to stay connected beyond 16 weeks that we are directly involved with them.

Groups are offered year around on 16-week cycle. To learn more information, please visit the KEEP website to find your local contact information.

Special Note: We offer both educational credits and money incentive for our families. Get 1.5 credit per session for total of 24 educational hours you can apply towards recertification. As an additional benefit, get paid $25 per session just for attending. That is $400 that is available per family, per group.

Meeting time
Groups are once a week for 90 minutes.
Meeting location

All groups are remote via ZOOM video chat.
All days/times are directly picked by the families we serve.

All KEEP Groups in Oregon:

Contact info

To learn more information, visit the KEEP website.

All KEEP Groups in Oregon:

On the KEEP website, scroll down to the map and click on your county for more information about KEEP services in your area!

(Updated 04/2023)

Grandparent Support Group

Organized by
Oregon Kinship Navigator (OKN)

Join our twice-monthly virtual group meeting, facilitated by Oregon Kinship Navigator staff. We cover topics such as boundaries, trauma, parenting, grief, and more. Grandparents and other caregivers of relative children are welcome.

Meeting time
First Tuesdays at 10:00-11:00 am; Third Tuesdays at 6:00-7:00 pm
Meeting location

Meetings are virtual via Google Meet.

Join with Google Meet
Join by phone
‪(US) +1 314-666-1828‬ PIN: ‪291 586 204‬#

Contact info

Visit OKN's website at for more information and email OKN at

Lejos de Casa Grupo de Soporte

Organized by
Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN) Reach Out Oregon

Away From Home in Spanish: Tuesday, September 19th, 6:00-7:00pm

ÚNASE a Reach Out Oregon en un espacio cordial que ofrece apoyo y conexión a los padres y cuidadores con o sin experiencia o que estan planeando buscar opciones de cuidado fuera del hogar. Aquí esta el Grupo de apoyo que necesita.

Para Quien: Siempre eres bienvenido

Meeting time
Cada 3 Martes del Mes 6:00-7:00 pm
Meeting location

Aquí esta el Grupo de apoyo que necesita:


Contact info

Oregon Family Support Network: 503-363-8068.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Support Groups

Organized by
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

NAMI Family Support Group is a peer-led support group for family members, caregivers and loved ones of individuals living with mental illness. Gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar circumstances.

NAMI’s Support Groups are unique because they follow a structured model, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to be heard and to get what they need.

  • Free of cost to participants
  • Designed for adult loved ones (18+) of individuals living with mental illness
  • Led by family members of individuals living with mental illness
  • No specific medical therapy or medication is endorsed or recommended
  • Confidential

Support Groups - NAMI Oregon

Meeting time
Dates and times vary; check website
Meeting location

Meetings are mostly online but there are some in-person groups. Visit the NAMI website to see a list of current groups: Support Groups - NAMI Oregon.

Contact info

Visit the NAMI website to learn more about current support groups and to contact NAMI with any questions: Support Groups - NAMI Oregon.

(Updated 05/2023)

PFLAG Support Groups

Organized by

Founded in 1973, PFLAG is the first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families. PFLAG provides peer-to-peer support through in-person and virtual meetings, online outreach, and a variety of additional resources and programs.

In-person support groups: Find a Chapter - PFLAG

Virtual support groups: PFLAG Connects: Communities - PFLAG

Meeting time
Dates and times vary; check website
Meeting location

There are in-person and virtual opportunities for meetings. Visit the PFLAG website to see a list of current groups: Get Support - PFLAG

Contact info

Visit the PFLAG website to learn more about current support groups and to contact PFLAG with any questions: Get Support - PFLAG

(Updated 05/2023)

Neurodiverse Individuals Support Group

Organized by
Neurodiversity Support Group

A support group for neurodiverse individuals across the globe.

Meeting time
1st Saturday of each month from 1:00-2:30 PM (PST)
Meeting location

Group meets virtually. Contact Sharrie for more information.

Contact info

Sharrie Ryan-Kreins, (503) 396-3361

(Updated 07/2021)

Reach Out Oregon Family Discussion

Organized by
Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN)

Join us! We are welcoming you to join a friendly conversation with our Reach Out Oregon Staff. Get to know your Reach Out Oregon Team Connect with parents throughout Oregon We are excited to have you join us for this special on-line conversation & we invite you to share this invitation with others who may also be interested!

View the flyer here.

Meeting time
Fridays from 4-4:30 PST
Meeting location

Online via Zoom. Register here.

Contact info

For more information chat with us on our website at or call 1-833-732-2467.

(Updated 05/2023)

Parents Helping Parents

Organized by
Oregon Family Support Network (OFSN)

Parents Helping Parents is the support group I mentioned that is virtual every Thursday from 6-7:30 pm. While it is listed as a Lane County group, the facilitator welcomes everyone.

Meeting time
Thursdays from 6-7:30pm
Meeting location

Virtual. Contact Signe for meeting link.

Contact info

Contact Signe Miller at or 541-505-2511.

(Updated 05/2023)