Resource (Foster) Parent Grief

Saying farewell to a child/ren you have parented or loved can feel unbearable. Whether a child is reunifying, being adopted, or just moving placements, goodbyes are hard on departing children, the entire family, and also siblings in the home. Sometimes parents may also feel guilt or relief along with grief. Preparing for transitions and working through grief is essential! Below find tools and support for helping everyone navigate this difficult time. Please also reference our Find a Therapist, Couples & Caregiving, Grief & Loss and Parent & Professional Care pages for more resources.

“For many foster parents who have devoted a significant portion of their time and heart to a child, watching a child walk out of their door months or years later signaling a potential abrupt and forever goodbye is devastating. " ~Jillana Goble, foster adopt parent, No Sugar Coating, available in ORPARC's library


Recommended Books & Articles

Grief, Loss & Goodbye-related Materials available in ORPARC's library include Children's Materials, ORPARC's new Resource Parent Goodbyes & Grief packet, Transitions Materials (including the Transitions packet), and books by foster-adoptive parent & author Jillana Goble



Siblings Specific

Culturally specific

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