Early Childhood

Early childhood is one of the most formative and impactful times in a child's life. While infants and young children are more vulnerable during this period, they also have tremendous capacity for resilience and recovery when offered the right supports. We are so grateful you are here to help them! Please also visit our Attachment, Discipline, Education, Food Issues & Nutrition, Play, Prenatal Substance Exposure, Sensory Supports, Talking About Adoption, Foster Care & Other Hard Things, and Trauma pages for more resources.

“We elicit from the world what we project into the world; but what you project is based upon what happened to you as a child.” ~ Dr. Bruce Perry, from What Happened to You, available in ORPARC's library


Oregon Specific


Recommended Books & Articles

Early Childhood-related Materials in ORPARC's library, including children's books for ages 0-4 and ages 5-7, and the noteworthy Trauma Responsive Strategies for Early Childhood by local author Katie Statman-Weil.

Toileting specific and Toileting-related materials in ORPARC's library

Culturally specific

Videos & Podcasts