
Helping children who have experienced the child welfare system—and thus trauma, grief, loss and disrupted attachments—to succeed in school can be a big challenge and responsibility. Only children who have their basic needs met and who feel calm, connected, regulated and safe can learn, let alone thrive. Let's give them and their teachers what they need! Please reference our ADHD & Dyslexia, Autism, Back to School, Bullying, Early Childhood, FASD, Sensory Supports, Neurodiversity & Differing Abilities, and Technology & Kids pages for more resources.


Graphic courtsey of magical artist

"...focus on connection before foster both better learning and the development of our children's relational capacities." ~Dr. Bonnie Badenoch

Back to School Resources

Advocacy & Education

OHA’s Save Lives Oregon initiative is offering Oregon school districts free opioid overdose reversal kits!

Adoption & Trauma in the Schools

Culturally specific

Recommended Books & Articles

Education-related & Special Education-related Materials in ORPARC's library and DIGITAL library, including Adoption Awareness in the Schools developed by ORPARC and the Northwest Adoptive Families Association

Social stories by Autism Little Learners

Videos & Podcasts