Collaborative Problem Solving and/or Proactive Solutions

Collaborative Problem Solving and/or Collaborative & Proactive Solutions are two different versions of an approach that originally arose out of work by Dr. Ross Greene and later Dr. Stuart Ablon. Both are considered evidence-based. Dr. Ross Greene's approach is now called Collaborative & Proactive Solutions while Dr. Stuart Ablon represents Collaborative Problem Solving with ThinkKids. The differences are outlined here. Both approaches can greatly benefit parents & providers! Please reference our Attachment, Discipline, Trauma and Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI®) pages for more resources.

"Children do well if they can...if they can't, we adults need to figure out what's getting in the way so we can help." ~Dr. Ross Greene, The Explosive Child


Recommended Books & Articles

Books by Ross Greene and Stuart Ablon, along with discipline-related materials in ORPARC's library

Culturally specific

Videos & Podcasts