
Unlocking Potential: Transforming Outcomes for Students with Disabilities

Mar 1
Saturday, March 1, 2025 – 8:45am
8:45am - 1:30pm

Families…educators…school leaders…community partners…are you ready to change how we support students with disabilities?

This conference is your chance to learn new tools, strategies, and ideas from leading experts who are creating spaces where all students can succeed.

Keynote: We’re excited to have Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak as our keynote speakers. National leaders in education, they are called "magical inclusion experts" and "educator's educators."

Together, they will share five powerful and practical strategies to make inclusive education successful.

Don’t miss this opportunity to spark new ideas, learn practical strategies, and connect with a community committed to helping every student shine!

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Language Services: Training will be provided in English with Spanish interpretation. Please request other language supports at least 14 days before the event. We will do our best to accommodate.


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A teacher sits with students as they do worksheets. Text reads Unlocking Potential: Transforming Outcomes for Students with Disabilities.