
"I don't care if others like me…I like me!" Teaching Teens Self-Acceptance

Jan 23
Thursday, January 23, 2025 – 8:00am
8:00am - 9:30am

PLEASE NOTE: To receive a certificate of attendance for the live webinar, attendees must register individually, attend the entire training, and watch from their own device to ensure proper tracking

Self-acceptance is vital for teens, and self-compassion is a method to work toward it. In this workshop, you will learn what self-compassion is, and how self-compassion tools can be taught to teens to help them support themselves through challenging times. Through acquiring these vital coping skills, teens learn how to be less self-critical, how to be their own inner coach or own best friend. In research studies, teens who participate in self-compassion programs report lower stress, anxiety and depression – and even less suicidal thinking - after the program is over and in the months that follow. An overview of this research will be presented in the workshop. The workshop will be interactive – you will learn self-compassion skills by engaging in activities and exercises, and discussion will follow. You will leave with a plan on how to implement what you have learned with the teens with whom you work.

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FosterEd Adopt Minnesota - Webinar

Dr. Karen Bluth is Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina, where she conducts research on self-compassion and its influences on the emotional wellbeing of teens