
The Explosive Child: Collaborative and Proactive Solutions for Parents

Jul 31
Wednesday, July 31, 2024 – 10:00am
10:00am - 12:00pm

Not available July 31? Don’t worry. Register now and we’ll send you the replay link to watch at your convenience.

Children who are quick to anger and lash out are sometimes labeled as oppositional or defiant. According to the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) model, those concerning behaviors are best viewed as frustration responses that communicate a child is having difficulty meeting a particular expectation. In the CPS model, those expectations are called unsolved problems. Whether it’s completing chores or homework, ending video game time, or sitting at the dinner table, those problems will remain unsolved as long as caregivers use incentives and consequences to motivate adaptive behavior. Rewards and punishments don’t solve problems. What’s causing a child to be frustrated in the first place is where parents should focus.

This webinar will introduce the CPS model, and collaborative and proactive problem-solving strategies. This three-step roadmap empowers caregivers to approach a child’s concerning behavior with new understanding and new practices. Caregivers will learn:

  • Why some children are more prone to act out
  • About the situations that often drive children to exhibit concerning behavior
  • How to be truly proactive rather than reactive
  • Why rewards and punishments fail to inspire change
  • The three steps involved in solving problems collaboratively and proactively

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This webinar/training is hosted by ADDitude and Brain Balance


Online Training

See description for registration instructions.

Ross W. Greene, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and the originator of the innovative, evidence-based approach called Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS), as described in his influential books The Explosive Child, Lost at School, Lost & Found, and Raising Human Beings.

He also developed and executive produced the award-winning documentary film The Kids We Lose, released in 2018. Dr. Greene was on the faculty at Harvard Medical School for more than 20 years, and he is now founding director of the non-profit Lives in the Balance. He is also currently an adjunct professor in the Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech and adjunct professor in the Faculty of Science at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia.

Dr. Greene has worked with several thousand kids with concerning behaviors and their caregivers, and he and his colleagues have overseen implementation and evaluation of the CPS model in countless schools, inpatient psychiatry units, and residential and juvenile detention facilities, with dramatic effect: significant reductions in recidivism, discipline referrals, detentions, suspensions, and use of restraint and seclusion. Dr. Greene lectures throughout the world. He lives in Freeport, Maine.