Permanency Connections & Supports

Children & youth can be referred to two unique partner programs that offer an array of permanency support, relationship building and/or family search and engagement. Both services are FREE for eligible families.

Through our wonderful partners at Boys & Girls Aid and Catholic Community Services there are options to: strengthen family relationships, build community connections, support identity, and potentially provide *life story work for eligible adoptive or guardianship children and youth.

*Staff in both programs have earned certification in Therapeutic Life Story Work (TLSWi) with Richard Rose!

Boys & Girls Aid Permanency Program - Portland Metro region

Serving children & youth ages 5+ residing in or transitioning to a permanent resource family or relative placement.

Reach out to Evan Bailey for more details on eligibility!


Family Preservation & Engagement Program through Catholic Community Services - Statewide

Serving young people & children under age 24 to find and/or reconnect with relatives, communities, heritage & identity.

“Children need their families and families need their children.” This program works with youth identified as needing increased family connection, family information and/or natural supports. Children and youth can learn about their family, build a more positive sense of identity, and form connections with safe family members. Sometimes Family Search & Engagement Specialists are reengaging known family members after a disconnect, or finding new family members previously unknown to the youth. The Specialist then supports that (re)introduction process to build the relationship to the level desired by the youth and family member. While occasionally youth do find placement as a result, the primary focus is on building lifelong connections with family to support the youth into adulthood and beyond.

Reach out to Tawny Townsend at for more details on eligibility!