Children, Youth & Porn (Exploitation): Sex Education & Prevention

Pornography is now available to younger ages and in more forms than imaginable. In order to protect kids, education and prevention are crucial! If children aren't taught about healthy bodies, behavior and development, it is difficult for them to identify when content is harmful or inappropriate. Talking about this topic is hard! That's why we gathered these resources to help. Please reference our Bullying, Sexual Abuse Supports, Technology, and Teens & Tweens pages for more resources.

"Discussing harmful internet content with your child is strongly recommended as early as elementary school. The average age of kids accessing porn is now 8 years old." ~Kids Before Screens


Recommended Books & Articles

Sexual Education & Behavior and Technology use-related materials in ORPARC's library including the How to Talk to Kids & Pornography and More Information Packet collection by Defend Young Minds

Culturally specific

Please reference this section on our Sexual Abuse Supports - an ORPARC Resource page

Videos & Podcasts