
Sibling relationships are far more impactful than we ever knew. Sibling relationships typically last longer—even if symbolic or in memory—and hold considerable influence. Youth in foster care or adoption can experience many varying emotions about their siblings, depending on circumstances. Being separated, newly discovered, or reunited gets complicated. It is our job to support them in understanding and healing these relationships best we can. Please reference our Adoptee & Foster Voices, Grandparents & Relative Caregivers, Navigating Birth Family Relationships, Talking About Adoption, Foster Care & Other Hard Things, and Transracial Parenting/Cultural Diversity pages for more resources.

"...the relationship with a sibling is usually the longest relationship that an individual will experience in the total lifetime." ~V. G. Cicirelli, siblings researcher


Recommended Books & Articles

Sibling-related Materials in ORPARC's library

Oregon Foster Children’s Sibling Bill of Rights and en español

Regarding All Sibling Relationships

Regarding Biological & Adoptive/Foster Sibling Relationships

Regarding Adoptive & Foster Sibling Relationships

Culturally specific

Videos & Podcasts