Sensory Supports

We all interpret the world through our senses. Yet, each of has different thresholds of tolerance. Children (or adults!) who experience trauma, prenatal substance exposure, premature birth, or other challenges may need even more accommodations and supports to help them adapt comfortably to their environments. The most important sensory support of all? Play! Please reference our ADHD/ADD, Autism Spectrum, Food Issues/Nutrition, Neurodiversity, Neurofeedback, Play, Prenatal Substance Exposure, and Trauma pages for more resources.

Learn about the power and importance of your own touch in this fun ORPARC Short Supports video below! View the entire Short Supports collection here including en español.

“This child did not need to 'change his behaviors' ...We needed to remember that behaviors are a message, a symptom—not a diagnosis.” ~Carol Kranowitz, The Out of Sync Child

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