Lying, Stealing... Confabulation

Lying, stealing, confabulation, and more are irritating behaviors that can really "get our goats." Granted, while some lying is developmentally appropriate, these behaviors can also be complex and far more intricately tied to trauma and disrupted attachments than any of us ever suspected! In fact, they are one of our brain's instinctive (and frustrating!) go-to survival skills. Fortunately, once we understand more of "how" and "why," we can better support our children and ourselves. Please reference our Attachment, Discipline, FASD, Neurodiversity, Sensory Supports and Trauma pages for more resources.

“…think about the last time you lied, and it probably had to do with something like you didn’t feel safe telling the truth.” ~Robyn Gobbel, Trauma & Attachment Therapist and in ORPARC's library


Recommended Books & Articles

Lying/confabulation and/or stealing-related materials in ORPARC's library; please also reference Trauma-related Materials

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