Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)

Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) means growing our patience, compassion and understanding for this spectrum of brain differences. Fortunately, we are all learning to "try differently rather than harder" so we can better support our children and intentionally empathize with the adults who interact with and care for them. Yes, that means you! Please reference our ADHD/ADD, Education, Neurodiversity, Prenatal Substance Exposure, Sensory Supports and Substance Use/Addictions pages for more resources.

"It means shifting our perspective to one that sees the troubling behavior as a symptom of illness or disability versus intentionally willful behavior that is deserving of punishment." ~Eileen Devine, FASD Northwest - trainer in ORPARC's library

Join ORPARC to hear Eileen Devine present a free training on May 6, 11am-1pm, on Supporting Kids with FASD & Challenging Behaviors from a Brain First Lens: How to Navigate the Chaos!

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FASD and Drug-related Materials in ORPARC's library and DIGITAL library, including Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Information Packet developed by ORPARC


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