Faith Inspired

Oregon’s faith communities rally valiantly across our state to wrap their arms around the needs of children in care, providing everything from supplies to services to caregiving, parenting and more. We appreciate you all so much! Please reference our TBRI® page for more resources.

Called to Love's annual Foster & Adoptive Mom's Retreat, April 5 - learn more & register here!

Hope for the Journey free TBRI® Conference 2025 simulcast, April 18 & 25, 9am-noon - register now! Links available for parents who cannot attend live.

"Faith-motivated individuals support child welfare and other needs in an array of ways, including giving at significantly higher rates to both faith-based and non-religious charities. Faith communities also provide critical material, emotional, and spiritual support to adoptive, foster, kinship, and biological families." ~Bipartisan Policy Center Report

Local Resources

Faith Inspired Authors & Trainers

Faith Inspired Parenting Resources

Faith-Inspired Materials and Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI®) Materials) in ORPARC's library

Culturally specific

Faith & LGBTQ+

Faith Specific Adoption Resources

Videos & Podcasts