ADHD & Dyslexia

Did you know ORPARC has had many wonderful staff, interns & friends living with ADHD? Granted, in-the-moment parenting can be tough and ADHD symptoms can have strong links to trauma. However, please know that some of the most talented and brilliant people we know are using their ADHD to do great things! Please reference our Autism Spectrum, Education, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Neurofeedback, Sensory Supports, Neurodiversity and Trauma pages for more resources.

Hear from an amazing array of diverse, ADHD-lived experience voices in the video below! Even better? They are all ORPARC interns, past & present, who honor all of us with their honesty.

“People with ADHD often have a special feel for life, a way of seeing right into the heart of matters, while others have to reason their way methodically.” ~ Dr. Edward M. Hallowell, ADHD expert & author in ORPARC's library!


ORPARC finds that some of our international community partners have wonderful things to share so be sure to explore their sites & resources too!

Learn more

Hear from adults experiencing ADHD

Parenting & school advocacy

Recommended Books & Articles

ADHD and Dyslexia-related materials in ORPARC's library and DIGITAL library, plus for Children & Teens

For Parents

Diet- Related

On Dyslexia

For Kids

Culturally specific

Videos & Podcasts

For Kids

On Dyslexia