Native Voices in Adoption & Foster Care


"Placental Transfer" shown with permission by Mallery Quetawki (Zuni Pueblo)

Listening to those who have directly experienced the impacts of adoption, foster care or guardianship across the generations are our best teachers. Their voices guide us in understanding their acute losses & traumas and in helping future generations to heal. Besides our other Tribal-specific pages, please also reference ORPARC's Adoptee & Foster Voices, Foster Parenting, Talking About Adoption, Foster Care & Other Hard Things, Talking About Culture, Transracial Parenting & Cultural Diversity and Trauma pages for more resources.

MalleryQuetawki_Art_PlacentalTransfer.jpgPlacental Transfer. 2019. 16x20 in. Acrylic on Canvas. Mallery Quetawki (Zuni Pueblo).

The way we hold our connections to earth and ancestor is via a spiritual umbilical cord that never severs. Although mother and child share essential nutrients and oxygen within the womb, the sharing of our ways of knowing never end. Read full description here!

This painting may not be reproduced without express permission from the artist.


Recommended Books & Articles

Tribal adoption-related books in ORPARC's library including the Lost Children of the Adoption Project series by adoptee Trace L. Hentz (Shawnee & Cherokee), plus the full Tribal Collection.

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