Tribal Library Collection

We extend thanks and appreciation to all Tribal contributors and consultants—past, present and future—who have invested and shared their time, talent and wisdom to make these materials available. We offer gratitude to the State Library of Oregon and Network of the National Library of Medicine Region V for their help, and to We Need Diverse Books for their generous classroom set of Firekeeper's Daughter. The result is a dazzling display of Native resilience and creativity to support us all in caring for our Native children. Please also reference the libraries of the nine Native Nations in Oregon, and ORPARC's full library & library page, along with our other Tribal-specific Resource pages, including Adoptee & Foster Native Voices, ICWA/ORICWA, Jingle Dance & Powwows, Parenting Native Children, Native Heritage and Native Health & Wellbeing.

If you know of a library item for our wish list that has been overlooked—particularly local Native authors/illustrators—please let us know at! We are a proud member of the American Indian Library Association.

“When I learned how to combine my writing & my images together, that’s when I became more powerful as a communicator...I just love the way they inform each other.” ~Steph Littlebird (Grand Ronde) - author/illustrator in ORPARC's library

Our Tribal Indigenous Collection of 300+ items features many genres and subjects!

Please also explore our Culture Connection Collection.

Native Author-featured Articles & Videos

Tribal Indigenous Library Items & ORPARC Library Introduction