ORPARC Library

Our collection has something for everyone; explore it all online!

A family or teenager smiling.

Choose conveniently from how-to parenting guides, children’s & teen books, information packets, digital downloads, videos, or deep dives into tough topics like trauma. Materials mailed FREE of charge! Enjoy a brief library tour with mischievous Tiny Bear in the ORPARC Short Supports video below.

Not sure what to choose? Call 1-855-496-BOOK (2665) or email ORPARClibrary@nwresource.org. We're happy to make recommendations.


HINT: use filters on far right of each library page to sort by age, etc.

If you are an Oregon resource (foster), adoptive (of any kind), assisted-guardianship, respite, or pre-adopt parent; Oregon adult adoptee; Oregon DHS, SNAC or COAA worker; C.A.S.A.; or other supporting community partner, you are eligible to use ORPARC's library!

Library Materials by Subject:

Materials in other languages include Español/Spanish, Russian, Chuukese, Vietnamese and some Tribal languages.

ORPARC's lending library books on bookshelves.